Happy Birthday Dad!Last night a storm blew through, but by 5:00am the skies were clear. This morning was another practice flight, this time with actual tasks. Apparently the winds are often light here, and that was certainly the case today. A few of the 40 or so balloons made it to the targets before they closed, but many (including Paul, Al, and Nick) were a little too late. Johnny got to the first one in time and had a decent drop.

Interesting bathroom observation of the day: ashtrays in the toilet paper dispensers.

Smoking is big over here - anyone who thinks cigarette advertising is dead is just on the wrong continent.
On the food front, here's my goulash (tastes like beef stew) and Bonnie's "toast" (with egg on top) from yesterday's lunch:

Mine was 5.50€ (about $7.50 USD) and hers was 4.40€.
Today should be pretty relaxing. We're done with practice flights, and the opening ceremonies and master briefing aren't until tomorrow afternoon. Naps are probably in order, as many of us are on working on about 3 hours of sleep after staying up late to be online last night. Renee Howard just told us that it's supposed to start raining this afternoon. Perhaps we'll have a "special" Austrian dinner tonight at the cottage.
Joe Zvada, Andy Baird, Larry Coan, Derrick Jones, and John Gibbons will be in today. That should almost complete Team USA's roster.
Maury and Jenn said that they got some good photos of Elle's flight last night, so maybe I'll get those up soon. I've taken some video, but so far we haven't found a connection that fast/convenient enough to upload them. Plus none of them are very exciting.