(Erica Hahn turns 30 today!)
The 4:15am alarm this morning woke us up to...rain. Not heavy, but given the forecast for the next 24 hours, we were pretty sure that it was only the beginning. As we awaited the 5:30am briefing the light showers continued. However, there were 2 markers and a logger on the table when we went inside. A task sheet indicated 2 Hesitation Waltz tasks (MJDG's as we often call them in the US), both with gravity marker drops. However, the radar was still a bit questionable, so a hold was called until 6:45am. Everyone used the time to make last-minute adjustments and test out all the procedures they'd practiced during our warm up days. Unfortunately the forecast seems to be holding true, as the rain got a little worse during the break and the flight was canceled. This afternoon looks questionable too.
There's a group photo later this morning (all pilots, crews, and officials) and a lunch after that. Unfortunately, each pilot received just 4 tickets with additional people costing 18€ (about $27). As I mentioned before, it seems like there's a lot of "miscellaneous charges" here. Even a lost marker results in a monetary fine (and certainly a points penalty)!
Other than that, I'm not sure what we'll do today. This morning ensured us that we're ready to fly, so maybe we'll just relax until the 4:00pm briefing. The forecast of rain may limit our recreational options, although it could be worse - my parents back home in Battle Creek said they've gotten 8 or 9 inches of rain during the past 24 hours.
Hi Jeff - thanks for all the meeting pictures - brings back great memories of the world's I worked at - great information on the event too!
I wish we were busy enough that I wouldn't have time to take photos and upload them immediately after the briefing!
Happy Birthday Erica...
The big 3 0!
Bring home that trophy!!!
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