It's spitting rain outside right now, and there's a little wind. The pibal on the weather sheet indicates winds of 55 kt at 600 meters MSL (200 meters AGL). No flight tonight. Things look better for tomorrow. David Levin just said that if we fly tomorrow, it will be a "good, long, complicated flight".
I'm really trying to come up with balloon content for those that are interested. Here's a photo of the printed competition map, which of course no one is using (but we do have copies in the basket and chase vehicle):
And here's the hospitality and briefing tents:
Here's my laundry, drying Europe-style. At 45 degrees, it takes about 2 days:
On the non-balloon front, dark chocolate flavored with hot peppers is big here. We've tried the mango/cayenne, and just bought (but haven't yet tried) the maracuja/jalapeno:
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