Last night at 9:30pm we received yet another text message indicating that this morning's briefing was canceled. Right now it's overcast and fairly windy. That makes us 0-for-5 on launches so far, with 9 opportunities left. According to The Weather Channel, 60% chance of rain persists through midnight tonight. However that drops to 20% for tomorrow morning, with winds in the 7-8 mph range. We then have 3 days of favorable forecasts before a 60% chance of rain returns for Saturday, the last day of competition. Technically they only need 2 flights and 3 tasks to have a valid championship, although everyone certainly wants a lot more than that. So I suspect that once the weather does clear, we'll be extra busy.
I'm not really sure what we'll do today. There's an organized tour of a local brewery at 11:00am, and hopefully we'll have a briefing (if not flying) this evening. Although we have satellite TV at the house we get only one channel in English (a European version of CNN), and you can only watch so much coverage of the current "market crisis" before you go nuts.
Knowing we had the entire day off yesterday, we decided to drive south to Graz. The city is a very interesting combination of very old architecture with very modern pieces mixed in. For example, the Murinsel mid-river cafe shown below and the "heart-like" Kunsthaus modern art museum. We started our journey by walking up to The Schloßberg, a castle on a hill. There's a really nice shopping district there as well. The funny thing was that throughout the day we ran into 10 or 15 other teams from all different countries doing the same thing.
Near the end of our walking we ran into something completely unexpected: a Chi-Chi's, complete with guacamole, fajitas, margaritas, and 10€ ($15 USD) burritos. They closed all the US locations in 2004, but apparently some still exist in Europe and the Middle East. However, we ended up at McDonalds for another round of Big Macs and fries.
Interesting photo of the day: A typical road sign you'd see at an intersection in rural Austria.
It means "balloon flying" in German:
Obviously by this point I hoped the updates would be more about ballooning and less about promoting Austrian tourism. Thanks to everyone for sticking with us. About 350 different people per day are visiting the site, with hits from 37 states and 31 countries.
Thank you very much for your a'la log-book of Worlds'08!!! and tnx for excursion in AUT! ;)
Due to it, you know, I keep cross fingers not only for our national (Latvia) teams, but for yours, too :) However, it seems, now it is better to pray for the weather forecast...
Kind regards and the best wishes,
Hi Jeff,
You all were missed in Midland. As you all ready know that was a total wash out for flying. None the less we all had a great time doing the usual kibitzing etc. Some of us also contributed to the financial soundness of Native Americans by visiting Soaring Eagle.
What a bummer about the weather and no flying. Here's hoping you can fly today.
Good luck you guys (and gals).
We are rooting for you and also enjoying Austria through your posts. Thanks for doing this.
Patt Hansen
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